About Me

My photo
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
I am owned by Pauline and Mark Blasky. My hull was built at the Duncan Marine Yard in Taiwan and launched in Dec of 1980. It is a William Garden design based on the Pixie Design and called by Duncan Marine a Freedom 45. They are the fourth owners and have owned me the longest. They have done extensive refitting to me including replacing my entire deck structure and rig. My masts are roughly 10% taller than original and now are made of aluminium as opposed to the original wood ones, which, though pretty, were always problematic. You can read more about me under "MORE ABOUT SARI TIMUR"

June 1, 2023

Prince Rupert Finally

Position   N 54 D 19.145

                W 130 D 19.284  Cow Bay Marina

Well there was supposed to be a break in the weather today.  If we didn't leave today, our next break wouldn't be until Saturday.  So at 0400 this morning we pulled up the hook and headed south.  By six o'clock it looked like the weathermen were playing tricks on us because the wind piped up to thirty knots on the nose, the seas not overly large but very short period, made the ride a bucking bronco and we had a counter current as well.  Oh and just to make it a little more miserable, we kept getting hit by rain squalls.  We crossed the border line at 0928 Alaska Standard time 1028 Pacific time.  And we were going a whopping 2.8 knots at full cruising RPMs, did anyone say this is miserable? !!!!!  We turned on the weather report to hear them tell us the wind was only 15 knots and the temperature was 8 degrees C.  Mark kept thinking the rain was about to turn to snow.  However, eventually things subsided a bit and we made it in to the Marina just before 1800 and checked in with Canadian customs, so we can leave.  By making the jump early it looks like we have access to an earlier weather window so we hope to be back underway on Friday morning.

Entering the Bay into Prince Rupert

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