About Me

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Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
I am owned by Pauline and Mark Blasky. My hull was built at the Duncan Marine Yard in Taiwan and launched in Dec of 1980. It is a William Garden design based on the Pixie Design and called by Duncan Marine a Freedom 45. They are the fourth owners and have owned me the longest. They have done extensive refitting to me including replacing my entire deck structure and rig. My masts are roughly 10% taller than original and now are made of aluminium as opposed to the original wood ones, which, though pretty, were always problematic. You can read more about me under "MORE ABOUT SARI TIMUR"

June 10, 2023

Made in Through Seymour Narrows

We left Blunden at 0500, hoping to make Port Neville.  As we approached, it became obvious we should try and make it further.  This was due to the fact that some not so nice weather is set to hit us Sunday through Friday.  So since we had the current and 30 knots of wind from the stern, we put out a reefed headsail and cranked up the RPMs. We hit 12 knots there for a while before settling back to mid 6’s.  We got into Otter Cove on the very top of Discovery Passage at 2100 and went promptly to sleep.  The alarm was set for 0200 in order that we might be in Seymour for slack water at 0500.  All kind of went to plan and as we write this now, we are looking to find a safe spot to hide out from this weather for a few days.  We still have a few hours in the morning to move but right now if we find something good we will probably stay put.  Not wanting to jinx it but the alternator is working again.  Mark is leaning towards a break in the insulation in the field wire and that it might be shorting out somewhere.  He shifted it around and it now seems to be working.  If we get a place near civilization he will purchase and replace said wire.

There are logs everywhere here.  We probably add  20% more mileage dodging them.  In the dark it was a real chore!

you never know what comes down the river

2 tugs moving a massive log boom down river


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