About Me

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Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
I am owned by Pauline and Mark Blasky. My hull was built at the Duncan Marine Yard in Taiwan and launched in Dec of 1980. It is a William Garden design based on the Pixie Design and called by Duncan Marine a Freedom 45. They are the fourth owners and have owned me the longest. They have done extensive refitting to me including replacing my entire deck structure and rig. My masts are roughly 10% taller than original and now are made of aluminium as opposed to the original wood ones, which, though pretty, were always problematic. You can read more about me under "MORE ABOUT SARI TIMUR"

November 15, 2014

Last Night in Numazu

Tonight will be our last night in Numazu.  What better way to spend it than in the Tap Room with old friends from Grand Haven and new friends from the Setouchi Rally.  We also have some more pics and posts from the last two weeks but we will have to wait till we get back to a computer to download pictures.  We head back to the boat tomorrow but it is just to check everything and pack again for a trip up to Koya-San to spend a night with the monks.  We hope all the wind a couple of days back didn't take the leaves off the trees at Koya-San as we think the colors should be great up there.

Morning After Update:  Wow, we had a great time at the Tap Room.  Started with one of the best ramens in Japan.  It was at a place called Shofuku and is a few minutes walk from the TR.  We expected to meet up with only 3 people last night but our party ended up being triple that.  We ended up taking over the back corner of the pub room and everyone had a good time.  I think even the staff enjoyed it!  We all agreed to meet up again for New Year's Eve.  Now we just need to find a hotel room!  We will be bringing some friends from Guam on that one.

Anyway anyone cruising or traveling this part of Japan ought to make sure you make this area.  The scenery is fantastic and don't forget the beer.

The Rally Members from Numazu Area at the Taproom

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