About Me

My photo
Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
I am owned by Pauline and Mark Blasky. My hull was built at the Duncan Marine Yard in Taiwan and launched in Dec of 1980. It is a William Garden design based on the Pixie Design and called by Duncan Marine a Freedom 45. They are the fourth owners and have owned me the longest. They have done extensive refitting to me including replacing my entire deck structure and rig. My masts are roughly 10% taller than original and now are made of aluminium as opposed to the original wood ones, which, though pretty, were always problematic. You can read more about me under "MORE ABOUT SARI TIMUR"

February 12, 2025

Silver Anniversary

 Wow 25 years ago today Pauline and Mark were married.  Been a fantastic run so far.

January 31, 2025

Yes, We are Still in Ensenada

We haven’t posted in a while, and yes we said we were leaving.  We wanted to get down to Mag Bay before the grey whales migrated out but we missed that.  We had some issues installing the new lithium bank and of course the cruising kitty funds were dangerously low.  So Mark took a job which should finish mid March.  Too late for the grey whales but still ok to hurry around and get some time in the Sea of Cortez before hurricane season.

While we were waiting we knocked out some jobs that we were going to do further down the road.  We have started the process of laying out the new design for the spray dodger.  Pauline has assured us she will have something made before Mark returns.  Since this is her first she is not promising pretty but with all she learns on this attempt version two will be much better.  Mark thinks she will be fine as she always does a pretty fine job on the projects she attempts.  

We finally got the lithium bank in and the Battery Bank Management System is doing its job keeping the house bank fully charged.  We put in two 300 AHr LiTime batteries and Clark and Emily’s BBMS.  This gives us basically 480 more amp hours of battery time when on the hook basically adding 3 times more life than we had before.  

We changed motor mounts.

We fixed some rotten wood which was the ceiling in a hanging locker and the sub floor for the starboard counter top where our radios sit.

We also took time out to visit the dentist.  Pauline cracked a tooth and needed a crown.  Mark hadn’t been to a dentist since Seward and took the opportunity to get all of his old fillings replaced and a crown as well.  So hopefully we will have good teeth for the next few years.

All in all we are making use of our stagnation

Batteries solar controllers and battery monitor

New Mounts

Locker With a New Ceiling